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Soccer Workouts - Gotta Get Sweaty!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Football Blog

It is very important for soccer players to follow a regular workout schedule in order to remain conditioned and fit for a game. Keep in mind that a player needs to run up and down a field for 90 minutes or more. Without the proper workout, a soccer player will not last for even half of those 90 minutes.

There are specific soccer workouts that you can do do in order to have a body that is conditioned for the game. These soccer workouts develop the part of the body that are always used in a game and ensures that a player is fit to perform the moves required. Different kinds of sports utilizes different sets of muscles and needs different sets of skills. This is the reason why different kinds of workouts are also needed for different kinds of sports. There are basketball workouts, tennis workouts, and then there are soccer routines.

What will we discuss here in this article are the workouts that are ideal for soccer players. By doing these workouts religiously, one can be assured that he will have the skills needed to become an excellent soccer player that coaches would want to have in their team.

Contrary to popular beliefs, soccer trainings do not only focus on the legs and the lower body. Players also need to develop their upper bodies as much as other athletes do. People may not notice it but a game of soccer entails plenty of jockeying for position and this is where a strong upper body will be useful. In order to add upper body strength, it is essential that soccer players lift weights and do strength training.

The most important thing that everybody must have is, of course, endurance. To be able to sprint from one end of the court to another and to be able to shift from offense to defense requires plenty of endurance. And this is the reason why soccer endurance workouts will not be complete without cardiovascular exercises that improves stamina. Some of the best cardiovascular exercises include running, jogging, cycling and rowing.

Because of the demands of the game, the best soccer workout is a combination of strength training and cardiovascular exercises. Remember, spending time in the gym and in the field really pays off for any soccer player.

It is indeed important to develop or follow an all-around workout regimen in order to improve ones fitness level and become a great player in the process.

Bryan Bean has been a soccer player and coach for over 10 years. His specialty is fitness and soccer strategy which allows he players to improve their game by 55%. Bryan has completed a free 10 day mini course available here, Soccer Tips. Also, go here for more information about Soccer Workouts and more great soccer discussion.

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