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Coaching Youth Football - Making it Fun

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Football Blog

This could easily be the first and last paragraph of this article. While coaching youth football you better make it fun for the players and coaches involved. The parents will fall in line if they see that their kids are having fun. Please remember most of these kids will not go on to play high school sports. It is very important that you give them a memorable experience while you're coaching them.

I have seen way too many coaches have the military approach, which we strongly disagree with for youth football. There's a big difference between running a strict disciplined team versus a military operation. Useless conditioning and exercises prove that the coach does not know what he's doing and covers it by running these ridiculous "boot camps." Please remember to keep it light, and have fun.

The same thing goes for your coaches. Coaching youth football needs to be fun for all. You will be dedicating many hours over the course of a season so you should make it fun for all. I am so close to my coaches that we socially get together with the wives on a regular basis.

You can take it serious and try to win but do not take a win at all costs approach. The parents, kids and assistant coaches will hate you for it. The league will also be happy if they do not get complaints from parents on you or your staff throughout the youth football season. So take my advise and make it FUN!

Jim has over 22 years of hands-on experience as a youth coach. The system he has used with great sucess for both youth football and youth basketball. His personal teams have won over 80% of their games.

Jim has over 200 Free Youth Football Articles at :

Copyright 2009 Jim Oddo,, Oddo & Oddo, Ltd., Mega Media Depot and republishing this article in it's entirety or any parts of it without including this paragraph is copyright infringement

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