Football Blog
When coaching youth football it is a good idea to have a plan in place for emergency cancellations of practice. Since we are in the computer age, this should be your obvious choice. Our administration has a coaches and team section where each coach can post his own notes. I brainwash my parents to check the web site daily to make sure there are no changes in the practice.
I also send out an email to all parents, or guardians, on the football list. I copy and paste the same information from the web site to the email. This is a double protection to make sure no one shows up. I keep a general rule of posting all changes or cancellations of practice by 4pm local time. That is one hour and 15 minutes before I start practice.
As far as when to cancel a youth football practice depends on many factors including
Age of my team
Time of the season
How well the team is doing
Upcoming opponent
General safety
There is a general rule we have that is the same as the swimming pool. If there is lightning, we have to suspend football practice for 20 minutes. If there is a second bolt of lightning then practice is called off.
I spend a lot of time on practices days looking at, especially the radar maps. If it looks like heavy rain or lightning, I just cancel the practice.
The other consideration is the field condition. The facility may have a stipulation that if there is standing water you cannot be on the field. Make sure you know the rules to avoid any problems.
Having a plan ahead of time to handle cancellation of practices is one of the jobs you have as a head coach of a youth football team.
Jim has over 22 years of hands-on experience as a youth coach. The system he has used with great success for both youth football and youth basketball. His personal teams have won over 80% of their games. Jim has over 200 Free Youth Football Articles at :
Copyright 2009 Jim Oddo,, Oddo & Oddo, Ltd., Mega Media Depot and republishing this article in it's entirety or any parts of it without including this paragraph is copyright infringement
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